Friday, November 1
12:00pm to 3:00pm
Peterborough Public Library
Multi-Purpose Room (Top Floor)
345 Aylmer St N, Peterborough, ON K9H 3V7
We have reached the maximum number of attendees for this event.
However, we are working on scheduling another governance training session for early in 2020. If you are interested in being notified when the new training event is announced, please fill out the form below
Get Notified When the Next Session Is Scheduled
Based on years of practical first-hand experience, this interactive non-profit governance training session is designed to help you tackle the most common issues that have the greatest impact on overall board effectiveness.
We will review current best practices and outline tangible strategies you can use to implement them.
Tickets start at $99/person. Lunch is included and capacity is limited.
Designed for Leadership in the Non-Profit Sector
This session has been designed for leaders in the non-profit sector: Board members, Board chairs, Executive Directors and CEOs.
What Will You Gain from this Session?
You will leave the training with a tangible plan for improving the governance of your organization.
What Topics Does this Session Cover?
- What are the most common challenges faced by boards and how can you overcome them?
- What are the common characteristics of outstanding boards?
- How can you conduct Board business both efficiently and thoroughly?
- What is the role of the Board, and of each of the Directors?
- What are the fiduciary obligations of directors?
- What is the role of the staff and how does it differ from the Board’s role?
- How do we know we are getting the “right” information from management?
- What’s the difference between a “working board” and a “governance board”?
- What is acceptable risk? How can we get good advice?
- What about conflict of interest?
- What is changing in “good governance” in the non-profit sector?
Led by Jonathan Bennett, C. Dir.
The session will be lead by Jonathan Bennett, C.Dir., the founder Laridae. Jonathan provides sought-after strategic counsel to leaders, executive teams, and boards across Ontario.
With experience in urban, rural, remote, and First Nations communities, Jonathan’s expertise is in strategic planning, governance, change management, and communications. Before founding Laridae, he held leadership roles at a large regional hospital, as well as education and social services organizations.
A widely published and award-winning writer, Jonathan is the author of seven books. An experienced director, Jonathan currently serves as the Chair of the Board of the Ontario Telemedicine Network (OTN). He obtained his Chartered Director certification (C.Dir.) through McMaster University.
Seats for Students
We set aside a few seats for young leaders who aspire to contribute to the non-profit sector but are currently in school. If you are interested, please get in touch.