Evolving Social Impact Planning in Uncertain Times

How the world has changed!  There are a lot of new challenges and opportunities these days as organizations look to clarify their purpose, strategy, and evaluation of their work to create social impact in these uncertain times.  The work is more complex and challenging than it was say three years ago, the stakes are higher, and success is less certain.  In this podcast, Andrew Taylor, Co-Founder of Taylor Newberry Consulting and Lynn Fergusson, Partner at Social Impact Advisors let you in on some insights from the kind of conversations they often have to better understand the sector and how to support it.


Andrew Taylor:  https://taylornewberry.ca/our-team/andrew-taylor/  

Taylor Newberry Consulting: https://taylornewberry.ca  

TNC and Centre for Evaluation Innovation : https://taylornewberry.ca/what-it-takes-to-learn-during-crises-reflections/  

McMaster research – Nonprofit resilience in context of COVID-19: https://resilience.degroote.mcmaster.ca/home/non-profit-resilience-in-the-context-of-covid-19/ 

Thank you for listening to Impact Conversations with Lynn Fergusson & Sally Fazal