Podcast The Home Depot Canada Foundation’s Commitment to Systems Change in Youth Homelessness April 14, 2022 The Home Depot Canada Foundation has recently revisited its role and plans by developing a Theory of Change and Strategic... READ MORE
Ideas Flipping the Script on Difficult Conversations: What if it’s not them? April 13, 2022 So, if you are a good communicator, why do so many things still not work the way you want them to? What if it’s not them? What if it's you?READ MORE
News Join Laridae’s 2022 Strategic Planning Journey March 29, 2022 How did we do with our last strategic plan? How are we going to develop our next one?READ MORE
Ideas Developing a Strategic Plan During a Leadership Transition February 24, 2022 What happens if the leader of your organization moves on during the strategic planning process?READ MORE
Ideas How to Identify and Address Burnout in the Non-Profit Sector February 24, 2022 What causes burnout in non-profits? How does it impact your organization? And what’s the best way to begin addressing it?READ MORE
Podcast Supporting Youth Transitioning from Care through Collective Impact, with Halton CAS February 17, 2022 We’re focused in this conversation on a collective approach being taken in Halton to support young people as they transition... READ MORE
Podcast Building unity on the future we want, with Sonia Theroux of Leadnow February 03, 2022 In this episode, Sonia Theroux, the Executive Director of Leadnow speaks with Sally about what progressivism means, the movement, and... READ MORE
Podcast A conversation with Dr. David Danto: Truth, humility, and the path to reconciliation January 20, 2022 Our guest on this episode is Dr. David Danto, who is the Head of Psychology at the University of Guelph... READ MORE
Ideas Create a Time Capsule January 19, 2022 Send us your thoughts, ideas, or goals for the year and we’ll send them back to you at the end of the year.READ MORE
Podcast A Fireside Chat on Giving with Intention, with MakeWay’s Leanne Burton December 23, 2021 In this episode, we have a conversation with Leanne Burton, Director, Partnership Development at MakeWay, a public foundation that acts... READ MORE