What's New

Events & Workshops

Free On-Demand Workshop for Non-Profit Leaders

October 07, 2020

Learn how to totally shift your thinking away from a deficit mindset, where there’s never enough of anything, over to one of possibility. READ MORE


This Fall, Laridae Remains All Virtual

September 28, 2020

With the concerning rise in COVID cases across Ontario, Laridae will continue conducting its operations in an all-virtual format through the Fall of 2020.READ MORE


INFOGRAPHIC: Celebrating One Year of Training and Supporting Non-Profit Managers

August 25, 2020

What a year it has been a year since we first launched our Management Training Program for non-profits!READ MORE


Rethinking a Foundation’s Impact, with Miin Alikhan, VP Impact & Accountability, Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation

August 20, 2020

Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation raises funds for the work of the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, the centre addressing some 200... READ MORE


Finding Direction During Uncertainty: In Praise of the 18-24 Month Plan

August 05, 2020

As a non-profit leader, is it still possible to conduct big-picture planning during periods of uncertainty? What is the best approach? What traps should you watch out for? READ MORE

Events & Workshops

Laridae Training Programs 1 Year Later: What Have We Learned?

August 05, 2020

With 6 cohorts graduated and 3 in progress, we have had the chance to engage over 100 non-profit and public sector professionals in transformative training experiences. READ MORE

Events & Workshops

Join Danielle for an Open ‘Office Hour’ Discussion: How to Avoid Strategic Paralysis

August 04, 2020

If you are non-profit leader who is finding it challenging to wrap your head around the medium- and long-term direction of your organization, join Danielle for this upcoming open office hours session. READ MORE


VIDEO: Laridae founder Jonathan Bennett joins Stu Harrison on The Think Tank

July 20, 2020

Jonathan Bennett joins Peterborough Chamber President and CEO Stu Harrison to talk about his series Not For Profits - Seven 30-minute Exercises to Kick Start Your Thinking.READ MORE

Events & Workshops

Webinar Recap: How Non-Profits can Promote a Healthy Workplace Culture During COVID-19

June 24, 2020

On June 16, 2020, we convened Jonathan Bennett, Founder and Senior Associate at Laridae, and Kalen Ingram, Lawyer at Cunningham Swan Lawyers, to answer your questions about how to promote a health workplace culture during COVID-19.READ MORE


Podcast: “What changes will the pandemic leave behind for Peterborough’s non-profit organizations?”

June 15, 2020

Jonathan Bennett joined Bill Templeman on his weekly radio show to discuss the impact of this pandemic on Peterborough’s non-profit sector.READ MORE